Discovering the Magical World of Figari

I am Pedro Figari, the Uruguayan artist who used blots and colour to depict his country’s life: the Gaucho and his dances, the African culture of music and dance, or candombes, and their vigil traditions, the universe of tango… But, did you know that I started painting at the age of 60? And did you know that before being a painter, I was a lawyer, a journalist, a teacher, a writer and a politician? Why did I leave everything behind to dedicate myself to painting? Just open this book and read closely, I will tell you all.

Multifaceted, tireless and committed, Pedro Figari gave up a successful professional career to dedicate himself to the recuperation and elevation of the popular rioplatense culture through painting. With a daring and audacious style, on his time he was understood by very few. He is now considered a great Master of Modern Painting.


Hardcover. 36 pages.
With pull-down inside.
Includes Glossary and pedagogical activities.
ISBN 978-607-735-466-6


Maria Jordà Costa

From this Collection